U.S. Army Missile Command, Redstone Arsenal Huntsville - Payscales for 2024
U.S. Army Missile Command, Redstone Arsenal is the primary United States government installation in the Huntsville , Alabama area. This page lists the pay rates for various civilian government employees based at U.S. Army Missile Command, Redstone Arsenal.
Civilian government employees are paid either on the General Schedule (GS) payscale, which applies to salaried employees, or the Federal Wage System (FWS), which applies to hourly employees.
Employees paid under the FWS are paid based on their grade and step, as well as their status a worker, leader, or supervisor. Wage tables for all levels of FWS workers in Huntsville are listed below.
General Schedule employees who work at U.S. Army Missile Command, Redstone Arsenal, Huntsville are paid based on the General Schedule base pay table, modified with the Locality Pay Adjustment for the U.S. Army Missile Command, Redstone Arsenal area. We do not currently have the Locality Pay Adjustment amount for this location, so the table below represents Base Pay only.For more information about General Schedule pay, visit the 2024 Alabama GS payscale page.
GS Grade | Step 1 | Step 2 | Step 3 | Step 4 | Step 5 | Step 6 | Step 7 | Step 8 | Step 9 | Step 10 |
GS-1 | $21,986 | $22,724 | $23,454 | $24,183 | $24,912 | $25,339 | $26,063 | $26,792 | $26,821 | $27,502 |
GS-2 | $24,722 | $25,310 | $26,129 | $26,821 | $27,124 | $27,922 | $28,720 | $29,518 | $30,316 | $31,114 |
GS-3 | $26,975 | $27,874 | $28,773 | $29,672 | $30,571 | $31,470 | $32,369 | $33,268 | $34,167 | $35,066 |
GS-4 | $30,280 | $31,289 | $32,298 | $33,307 | $34,316 | $35,325 | $36,334 | $37,343 | $38,352 | $39,361 |
GS-5 | $33,878 | $35,007 | $36,136 | $37,265 | $38,394 | $39,523 | $40,652 | $41,781 | $42,910 | $44,039 |
GS-6 | $37,765 | $39,024 | $40,283 | $41,542 | $42,801 | $44,060 | $45,319 | $46,578 | $47,837 | $49,096 |
GS-7 | $41,966 | $43,365 | $44,764 | $46,163 | $47,562 | $48,961 | $50,360 | $51,759 | $53,158 | $54,557 |
GS-8 | $46,475 | $48,024 | $49,573 | $51,122 | $52,671 | $54,220 | $55,769 | $57,318 | $58,867 | $60,416 |
GS-9 | $51,332 | $53,043 | $54,754 | $56,465 | $58,176 | $59,887 | $61,598 | $63,309 | $65,020 | $66,731 |
GS-10 | $56,528 | $58,412 | $60,296 | $62,180 | $64,064 | $65,948 | $67,832 | $69,716 | $71,600 | $73,484 |
GS-11 | $62,107 | $64,177 | $66,247 | $68,317 | $70,387 | $72,457 | $74,527 | $76,597 | $78,667 | $80,737 |
GS-12 | $74,441 | $76,922 | $79,403 | $81,884 | $84,365 | $86,846 | $89,327 | $91,808 | $94,289 | $96,770 |
GS-13 | $88,520 | $91,471 | $94,422 | $97,373 | $100,324 | $103,275 | $106,226 | $109,177 | $112,128 | $115,079 |
GS-14 | $104,604 | $108,091 | $111,578 | $115,065 | $118,552 | $122,039 | $125,526 | $129,013 | $132,500 | $135,987 |
GS-15 | $123,041 | $127,142 | $131,243 | $135,344 | $139,445 | $143,546 | $147,647 | $151,748 | $155,849 | $159,950 |
This 2024 FWS payscale applies to Worker-level employees at U.S. Army Missile Command, Redstone Arsenal who are classified as 'Regular' employees. For information on how long it takes to advance between steps, hover over any pay step.
FWS Grade | Step 1 | Step 2 | Step 3 | Step 4 | Step 5 | Grade 1 | $11.57 / hour | $12.06 / hour | $12.55 / hour | $13.03 / hour | $13.53 / hour |
Grade 2 | $12.98 / hour | $13.49 / hour | $14.02 / hour | $14.58 / hour | $15.11 / hour |
Grade 3 | $14.32 / hour | $14.93 / hour | $15.51 / hour | $16.11 / hour | $16.71 / hour |
Grade 4 | $15.72 / hour | $16.35 / hour | $17.01 / hour | $17.66 / hour | $18.31 / hour |
Grade 5 | $16.70 / hour | $17.38 / hour | $18.13 / hour | $18.82 / hour | $19.50 / hour |
Grade 6 | $17.83 / hour | $18.58 / hour | $19.27 / hour | $20.07 / hour | $20.81 / hour |
Grade 7 | $18.72 / hour | $19.54 / hour | $20.33 / hour | $21.14 / hour | $21.89 / hour |
Grade 8 | $19.67 / hour | $20.47 / hour | $21.31 / hour | $22.15 / hour | $22.96 / hour |
Grade 9 | $20.71 / hour | $21.59 / hour | $22.50 / hour | $23.33 / hour | $24.20 / hour |
Grade 10 | $21.70 / hour | $22.60 / hour | $23.47 / hour | $24.43 / hour | $25.29 / hour |
Grade 11 | $22.62 / hour | $23.57 / hour | $24.50 / hour | $25.54 / hour | $26.41 / hour |
Grade 12 | $23.56 / hour | $24.50 / hour | $25.56 / hour | $26.49 / hour | $27.48 / hour |
Grade 13 | $24.51 / hour | $25.50 / hour | $26.55 / hour | $27.57 / hour | $28.57 / hour |
Grade 14 | $25.40 / hour | $26.52 / hour | $27.55 / hour | $28.60 / hour | $29.74 / hour |
Grade 15 | $26.36 / hour | $27.51 / hour | $28.58 / hour | $29.69 / hour | $30.79 / hour |
This 2024 FWS payscale applies to Leader-level employees at U.S. Army Missile Command, Redstone Arsenal who are classified as 'Regular' employees. For information on how long it takes to advance between steps, hover over any pay step.
FWS Grade | Step 1 | Step 2 | Step 3 | Step 4 | Step 5 |
Grade 1 | $12.74 / hour | $13.27 / hour | $13.80 / hour | $14.32 / hour | $14.84 / hour |
Grade 2 | $14.24 / hour | $14.83 / hour | $15.44 / hour | $16.03 / hour | $16.63 / hour |
Grade 3 | $15.77 / hour | $16.44 / hour | $17.08 / hour | $17.74 / hour | $18.39 / hour |
Grade 4 | $17.27 / hour | $17.98 / hour | $18.69 / hour | $19.42 / hour | $20.14 / hour |
Grade 5 | $18.41 / hour | $19.20 / hour | $19.95 / hour | $20.74 / hour | $21.47 / hour |
Grade 6 | $19.67 / hour | $20.46 / hour | $21.29 / hour | $22.14 / hour | $22.94 / hour |
Grade 7 | $20.66 / hour | $21.55 / hour | $22.36 / hour | $23.25 / hour | $24.11 / hour |
Grade 8 | $21.69 / hour | $22.61 / hour | $23.50 / hour | $24.41 / hour | $25.29 / hour |
Grade 9 | $22.85 / hour | $23.83 / hour | $24.74 / hour | $25.66 / hour | $26.60 / hour |
Grade 10 | $23.92 / hour | $24.88 / hour | $25.90 / hour | $26.84 / hour | $27.86 / hour |
Grade 11 | $24.98 / hour | $25.99 / hour | $26.99 / hour | $28.08 / hour | $29.11 / hour |
Grade 12 | $25.90 / hour | $26.98 / hour | $28.08 / hour | $29.18 / hour | $30.29 / hour |
Grade 13 | $26.96 / hour | $28.08 / hour | $29.20 / hour | $30.33 / hour | $31.46 / hour |
Grade 14 | $27.98 / hour | $29.16 / hour | $30.38 / hour | $31.52 / hour | $32.73 / hour |
Grade 15 | $29.03 / hour | $30.24 / hour | $31.46 / hour | $32.66 / hour | $33.86 / hour |
This 2024 FWS payscale applies to Supervisory-level employees at U.S. Army Missile Command, Redstone Arsenal who are classified as 'Regular' employees. For information on how long it takes to advance between steps, hover over any pay step.
FWS Grade | Step 1 | Step 2 | Step 3 | Step 4 | Step 5 |
Grade 1 | $18.76 / hour | $19.54 / hour | $20.32 / hour | $21.11 / hour | $21.88 / hour |
Grade 2 | $20.13 / hour | $20.97 / hour | $21.80 / hour | $22.63 / hour | $23.47 / hour |
Grade 3 | $21.29 / hour | $22.18 / hour | $23.10 / hour | $23.98 / hour | $24.86 / hour |
Grade 4 | $22.24 / hour | $23.21 / hour | $24.15 / hour | $25.16 / hour | $25.99 / hour |
Grade 5 | $23.42 / hour | $24.40 / hour | $25.43 / hour | $26.34 / hour | $27.35 / hour |
Grade 6 | $24.38 / hour | $25.39 / hour | $26.35 / hour | $27.37 / hour | $28.39 / hour |
Grade 7 | $25.24 / hour | $26.33 / hour | $27.37 / hour | $28.40 / hour | $29.50 / hour |
Grade 8 | $26.33 / hour | $27.45 / hour | $28.54 / hour | $29.63 / hour | $30.75 / hour |
Grade 9 | $27.29 / hour | $28.44 / hour | $29.56 / hour | $30.70 / hour | $31.86 / hour |
Grade 10 | $28.24 / hour | $29.45 / hour | $30.63 / hour | $31.82 / hour | $33.01 / hour |
Grade 11 | $29.27 / hour | $30.47 / hour | $31.70 / hour | $32.90 / hour | $34.12 / hour |
Grade 12 | $30.54 / hour | $31.84 / hour | $33.07 / hour | $34.43 / hour | $35.68 / hour |
Grade 13 | $31.97 / hour | $33.26 / hour | $34.61 / hour | $35.97 / hour | $37.27 / hour |
Grade 14 | $33.86 / hour | $35.31 / hour | $36.74 / hour | $38.09 / hour | $39.52 / hour |
Grade 15 | $35.87 / hour | $37.37 / hour | $38.87 / hour | $40.36 / hour | $41.86 / hour |
Grade 16 | $37.77 / hour | $39.33 / hour | $40.89 / hour | $42.48 / hour | $44.03 / hour |
Grade 17 | $39.60 / hour | $41.23 / hour | $42.89 / hour | $44.54 / hour | $46.18 / hour |
Grade 18 | $41.62 / hour | $43.35 / hour | $45.08 / hour | $46.81 / hour | $48.55 / hour |
Grade 19 | $41.56 / hour | $43.29 / hour | $45.02 / hour | $46.75 / hour | $48.48 / hour |
U.S. Army Missile Command, Redstone Arsenal is a government installation in Alabama primarily managed by the Department of Defense. Civilian government employees at this location may be paid under the Federal Wage System or General Schedule payscales shown on this page.
Since this is a DoD installation, servicemembers from the military may operate at this location as well. Military servicemembers are paid under the Military Basic Pay Scale.
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