Birthday of Martin Luther King, Jr. 2024 - Federal Holidays
2024Birthday of Martin Luther King, Jr. is one of eleven federal holidays recognized nationwide by the United States Government. All non-essential federal government offices are closed on Birthday of Martin Luther King, Jr., and all federal employees are paid even if they receive the day off. Many private-sector employees will also receive paid time off or special holiday pay on Birthday of Martin Luther King, Jr..
Martin Luther King, Jr. Day is celebration of civil rights champion Martin Luther King, Jr. It is celebrated every third Monday of January, and has been a federal holiday since 1983.
When is the next Birthday of Martin Luther King, Jr.?
Birthday of Martin Luther King, Jr. is 46 days away. (6.6 weeks away or 1.5 months away)Birthday of Martin Luther King, Jr. will next be observed on Monday, January 20th, 2025.
Birthday of Martin Luther King, Jr. Dates
Year | Birthday of Martin Luther King, Jr. Recognition Date |
2023 | Monday, January 16th |
2024 | Monday, January 15th |
2025 | Monday, January 20th |
2026 | Monday, January 19th |
2027 | Monday, January 18th |
2028 | Monday, January 17th |
2029 | Monday, January 15th |
* Because most Federal Employees work on a Monday to Friday schedule, when a holidays falls on a weekend the holiday is observed on the closest regular workday. The holiday is observed on Friday if the holiday falls on Saturday and Monday if the holiday falls on Sunday (5 U.S.C. 6103 (b)(2)).
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