Law Enforcement (LEO) Payscale in Wisconsin for 2007
The Law Enforcement (LEO) payscale is the federal government payscale used to determine the salaries of over 70% of federal civilian employees.
Like the General Schedule (GS) Payscale, under the LEO payscale an employee's base pay depends on two factors - the LEO Paygrade of their job, and the Paygrade Step they have achieved (depending on seniority or performance). This base pay is then modified based on a "Locality Pay Adjustment", which adjusts the LEO payscale based on cost-of-living in different areas within the United States.
Wisconsin has one or more Locality Pay Adjustment areas with special locality pay adjustment rates. This page lists the locality-adjusted yearly LEO pay scales for each area, with starting pay for a LEO-1 broken down by county in the interactive map.
The CHICAGO-NAPERVILLE, IL-IN-WI General Schedule locality region applies to government employees who work in Chicago and surrounding areas. General Schedule employees who work within this region are paid 21.79% more than the GS base pay rates to account for local cost of living.
LEO Grade | Step 1 | Step 2 | Step 3 | Step 4 | Step 5 | Step 6 | Step 7 | Step 8 | Step 9 | Step 10 |
LEO-3 | $29,815 | $30,644 | $31,472 | $32,300 | $33,128 | $33,956 | $34,784 | $35,613 | $36,441 | $37,269 |
LEO-4 | $33,468 | $34,397 | $35,326 | $36,256 | $37,185 | $38,114 | $39,043 | $39,973 | $40,902 | $41,831 |
LEO-5 | $38,487 | $39,527 | $40,567 | $41,607 | $42,647 | $43,687 | $44,727 | $45,767 | $46,808 | $47,848 |
LEO-6 | $40,583 | $41,742 | $42,902 | $44,061 | $45,221 | $46,380 | $47,540 | $48,699 | $49,858 | $51,018 |
LEO-7 | $43,810 | $45,099 | $46,387 | $47,676 | $48,964 | $50,253 | $51,542 | $52,830 | $54,119 | $55,407 |
LEO-8 | $45,665 | $47,093 | $48,520 | $49,947 | $51,375 | $52,802 | $54,229 | $55,657 | $57,084 | $58,512 |
LEO-9 | $48,860 | $50,436 | $52,012 | $53,588 | $55,164 | $56,740 | $58,315 | $59,891 | $61,467 | $63,043 |
LEO-10 | $53,807 | $55,542 | $57,278 | $59,013 | $60,749 | $62,484 | $64,220 | $65,955 | $67,691 | $69,426 |
The Chicago locality pay rates also apply to federal workers in the following major cities: and other areas within the region.
The MINNEAPOLIS-ST. PAUL, MN-WI General Schedule locality region applies to government employees who work in Minneapolis and surrounding areas. General Schedule employees who work within this region are paid 18.17% more than the GS base pay rates to account for local cost of living.
LEO Grade | Step 1 | Step 2 | Step 3 | Step 4 | Step 5 | Step 6 | Step 7 | Step 8 | Step 9 | Step 10 |
LEO-3 | $28,929 | $29,733 | $30,536 | $31,340 | $32,143 | $32,947 | $33,751 | $34,554 | $35,358 | $36,161 |
LEO-4 | $32,473 | $33,375 | $34,276 | $35,178 | $36,080 | $36,981 | $37,883 | $38,785 | $39,686 | $40,588 |
LEO-5 | $37,343 | $38,352 | $39,361 | $40,370 | $41,380 | $42,389 | $43,398 | $44,407 | $45,416 | $46,425 |
LEO-6 | $39,377 | $40,502 | $41,627 | $42,752 | $43,877 | $45,001 | $46,126 | $47,251 | $48,376 | $49,501 |
LEO-7 | $42,508 | $43,758 | $45,009 | $46,259 | $47,509 | $48,759 | $50,010 | $51,260 | $52,510 | $53,760 |
LEO-8 | $44,308 | $45,693 | $47,078 | $48,463 | $49,848 | $51,233 | $52,618 | $54,003 | $55,387 | $56,772 |
LEO-9 | $47,407 | $48,937 | $50,466 | $51,995 | $53,524 | $55,053 | $56,582 | $58,111 | $59,640 | $61,170 |
LEO-10 | $52,208 | $53,891 | $55,575 | $57,259 | $58,943 | $60,627 | $62,311 | $63,995 | $65,679 | $67,363 |
The Minneapolis locality pay rates also apply to federal workers in the following major cities: and other areas within the region.
The MILWAUKEE-RACINE-WAUKESHA, WI General Schedule locality region applies to government employees who work in Milwaukee and surrounding areas. General Schedule employees who work within this region are paid 15.54% more than the GS base pay rates to account for local cost of living.
LEO Grade | Step 1 | Step 2 | Step 3 | Step 4 | Step 5 | Step 6 | Step 7 | Step 8 | Step 9 | Step 10 |
LEO-3 | $28,285 | $29,071 | $29,857 | $30,642 | $31,428 | $32,214 | $32,999 | $33,785 | $34,571 | $35,356 |
LEO-4 | $31,750 | $32,632 | $33,514 | $34,395 | $35,277 | $36,158 | $37,040 | $37,921 | $38,803 | $39,685 |
LEO-5 | $36,512 | $37,499 | $38,485 | $39,472 | $40,459 | $41,445 | $42,432 | $43,419 | $44,405 | $45,392 |
LEO-6 | $38,500 | $39,600 | $40,700 | $41,800 | $42,900 | $44,000 | $45,100 | $46,200 | $47,300 | $48,400 |
LEO-7 | $41,562 | $42,784 | $44,007 | $45,229 | $46,452 | $47,674 | $48,897 | $50,119 | $51,341 | $52,564 |
LEO-8 | $43,322 | $44,676 | $46,030 | $47,384 | $48,738 | $50,092 | $51,446 | $52,801 | $54,155 | $55,509 |
LEO-9 | $46,352 | $47,847 | $49,343 | $50,838 | $52,333 | $53,828 | $55,323 | $56,818 | $58,313 | $59,808 |
LEO-10 | $51,046 | $52,692 | $54,338 | $55,985 | $57,631 | $59,278 | $60,924 | $62,571 | $64,217 | $65,864 |
The Milwaukee locality pay rates also apply to federal workers in the following major cities: Milwaukee, and other areas within the region.
Any federal employees in Wisconsin who do not live in an area for which a specific Locality Pay Adjustment has been set will receive the generic "Rest of the United States" locality pay adjustment of 12.64% (shown in the table below).
LEO Grade | Step 1 | Step 2 | Step 3 | Step 4 | Step 5 | Step 6 | Step 7 | Step 8 | Step 9 | Step 10 |
LEO-3 | $27,575 | $28,341 | $29,107 | $29,873 | $30,639 | $31,405 | $32,171 | $32,937 | $33,703 | $34,469 |
LEO-4 | $30,953 | $31,813 | $32,672 | $33,532 | $34,391 | $35,251 | $36,110 | $36,970 | $37,829 | $38,688 |
LEO-5 | $35,595 | $36,557 | $37,519 | $38,481 | $39,443 | $40,405 | $41,367 | $42,329 | $43,291 | $44,253 |
LEO-6 | $37,534 | $38,606 | $39,679 | $40,751 | $41,823 | $42,896 | $43,968 | $45,040 | $46,113 | $47,185 |
LEO-7 | $40,519 | $41,711 | $42,902 | $44,094 | $45,286 | $46,478 | $47,669 | $48,861 | $50,053 | $51,244 |
LEO-8 | $42,234 | $43,555 | $44,875 | $46,195 | $47,515 | $48,835 | $50,155 | $51,475 | $52,795 | $54,116 |
LEO-9 | $45,189 | $46,646 | $48,104 | $49,562 | $51,019 | $52,477 | $53,934 | $55,392 | $56,849 | $58,307 |
LEO-10 | $49,764 | $51,369 | $52,975 | $54,580 | $56,185 | $57,790 | $59,395 | $61,000 | $62,605 | $64,210 |
The Rest of U.S. locality pay rates also apply to federal workers in the following major cities: Green Bay, Madison, Fort McCoy, and other areas within the region.
* For some high-paygrade workers, pay under the GS scale may be capped at $145,400 the SES (Senior Executive Scale)'s Level 4 pay for the current year (5 U.S.C. 5304 (g)(1)).
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